SauceyRealm BlueSky About

About Me

I'm Saucey, a fellow furry who tries my best to learn new things but I never end up sticking with anything so I'm pretty much bad at everything. I enjoy web development, but I'm not very good at it as you can see. I've also tried other things such as graphic design, content creation such as YouTube and Twitch. I'm also a techie. I like building computers, and taking things apart to learn more about them, or just straight up modding things whether it's hardware level or software.
I could have made this website a lot better just by googling "Online website builder" but I like to have things to show off, and so even if this website is ugly... I can at least sleep better at night knowing that I coded it from a blank text document. Even if it is lazily thrown together like all of my projects. I also partially made this website just so I can have it as a username on BlueSky.